Puritan Belief

The Puritans are the men of God who started in the 16th century building on the purity of the gospel message that Salvation is by Grace alone.

The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Called the Church of God! 1 Cor. 1:2
Jesus Christ said! I will build My Church and the Gates of Hades will not prevail against it! Matthew 16:18
Jesus is the Head of His Church Eph. 5:23

The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is not a building, an organization or a denomination!
They are a Holy Spirit filled people, a spiritual nation, a spiritual Church and a spiritual body of people (the body of Christ). 1 Cor. 12:27
Those are the born again children of their God and Father Jesus Christ, who are not born by the will of the flesh, or the will of man, but by the will of God (Jesus Christ)! John 1:13

They are the elect, called, chosen, blood washed, justified, sanctified, purified and glorified children of the living God the Lord Jesus Christ, whom He has called out of darkness and into His marvelous light, from every nation, tribe, language, Church and denomination to be a bride to Christ, spotless and without wrinkle, who is adorned with the righteous acts of the saints full of love and truth and the testimony of Jesus Christ in their mouth.

This is His Church---His Bride---His beloved!

His Church is called the Bride of Christ! Rev.21:2+9
Because she is espoused to one Bridegroom (Jesus Christ), and not to three persons! 2 Cor. 11:2+9
Her love is only for her Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) and is not divided between three persons, because she is a Bride faithful to one person and not to three!
The Lord her God is ONE and not three persons! Mark 12:29

His Church has no temples, buildings, organizations and structures, businesses, membership, counseling offices, music choir, holy water, icons, pulpits and pews.
There are no Bible colleges, professional ministries and positions, no priests and hierarchy’s, with no titles like Father, Pastor, Reverend, Bishop, Cardinal etc. no leaders or teachers, because they are led and taught by the Holy Spirit. They walk by the Spirit and talk by the Spirit, perform signs and wonders by the same Spirit as the Spirit wills.

Simply! This is the Church of the living God Jesus Christ!

Are you one of them?
Do you belong to His Church?
Are you a Bride to Jesus alone?
Have you received that Spirit?

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The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Posted by Paul G Friday, December 07, 2007


Blogger Puritan Belief said...

Very well put Paul. When Jesus came everyone expected Him to become King and have huge influence in politics and "social justice" but Jesus would not let them even when forced.

Today each church organisation still has this mindset of bigger churches, bigger influence. They want to represent Christ with their brand of Christianity which never has Jesus at the helm.

Jesus will represent Himself and His church. His members are elected by Him and He dictates flawlessly to those purchased by His blood.

December 10, 2007 4:12 PM   Edit
Blogger Paul G said...

Spot on PB!
You said that very well!
“A Christianity which never has Jesus at the helm,”

That has troubled me for years and wherever I go, whatever denomination, they always portray Jesus, so as He would be one of their gods! And imply that there is another God next of Jesus, this ‘Unknowable God‘.

That is because of that devilish doctrine the TRINITY that has seduced Christianity to harlotry.
They have fallen away from the only one true God the Lord Jesus Christ and added other persons to their Lord and God.
They are just like Israel who always has turned away from their God who has led them out of Egypt and burned incense to their other gods, (in their preaching and teaching).

December 11, 2007 2:18 PM   Edit
Blogger donsands said...

I love God the Father, because He first loved me, and gave me to Jesus Christ. I know that the Father sent the Son, and Jesus has made known the Father's name, and will declare it: so that the love wherewith the Father has loved Jesus may be in us, and Jesus be in us.

And this love I have for God is from the Holy Spirit, who pours out this love within my heart.

"Surely I love Christ, and He is my Lord, and the Father loves me as He loves Christ. That's an amazing thing indeed. John 17:23

"Now our Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF, AND God, even our FATHER, whohas loved us, and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,
Comfort your hearts, and strengthen you in every good word and work." 2 Thes. 2:16-17

December 19, 2007 10:42 PM   Edit
Blogger Paul G said...

Thanks for your gracious words!
I must say that you really have a way with words, unlike me.
Perhaps that’s why I like your blog.

But there are a few questions I would like to ask you.
Perhaps another time!

May the Lord Jesus continually bless you richly!

December 20, 2007 7:25 AM   Edit
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi PB, again awesome post :)

Paul, thanks for your awesome words a few posts before. Definately good marriage advice! We've had 3 weeks of married life already and its great. You said about delighting in God and eachother and having that as a foundation. I'll always remember that. Nik does love JC with all his heart and me. although He has a long way to go in knowledge, he is so childlike that i am put in my place sometimes:)I look up to him even though he thought david was a chapter of the bible the other day hehe...But God speaks to him and leads him, even to the point where God brought scripture to him a few times to leave employment at rivers church and move to cape town(not cause of the coast hehe, but he has something for us down there to do), so we leaving in a month even though we dont have any accommodation or a job. But Jesus is AMAZING and will continue to provide for us.
But I pray things are going well for you all.
love kel

December 28, 2007 12:32 AM   Edit
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my name is james i belonge to the church of the lord jesus christ in houston texas we teach that you must be baptise in the name of jesus and turn from your unfruitful ways god want us to worship him in sprite an truth

October 15, 2008 3:33 AM   Edit

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